All Longoni cues are produced entirely in Italy in our workshop of Mariano Comense, in the province of Como. For the production of the cues we use woods and several materials from all over the world.
The whole production process takes place under the supervision of the Longoni family.
The Longoni company, based in Mariano Comense, founded over 80 years ago, nowadays is dealing exclusively with the production of billiard cues, billiard lamps and some specific accessories; till 30 years ago, in the same premises, also billiard tables were produced. Visiting the production factory is possible, only with previous agreements taken by mail (
Tutte le stecche Longoni sono prodotte interamente in Italia, nello stabilimento di Mariano Comense in provincia di Como, utilizzando le nostre maestranze. Per la costruzione delle stecche si usano legni di tutto il mondo e diverse componentistiche Italiane; alcuni materiali ad alto contenuto tecnologico e componenti possono provenire da altri stati della comunità Europea. |